Today was a good day due to a bad problem. We were scheduled to go out on the boat, all four interns and Jim to do two of the certification dives for our Advanced Open Water. These were the Deep Dive and Navigation Dive. However, upon getting on the boat and out at the dive site we discovered that the emergency oxygen tank onboard was empty. Not wanting to risk anything Jim called off the Deep Dive, and also the Navigation dive so that they would still be done together later.

However, not wanting to waste the charter and the day we got to do two shallower photo dives. It was a great time and the dives were really awesome. The first dive was to a site called Eel Cove, which was a large semiciricle that stayed shallow then dropped off really deep really fast. We explored that area for awhile, then got back on the boat and headed to the second site.
The second place we went was called Fish Rock because the Sgt. Major fish goes there to lay its eggs (millions upon millions), then it takes off and tons of other fish come in and start to eat the

eggs. These fish are so preoccupied with eating the eggs that you can get extremely close to them and they don't swim away. It was insane because there were just so many fish all over the place. So what could have been a disaster of a day turned out to be really fun.

That evening after the dives Richard, Jake and I went and picked up a rental car, then did a Walmart run in preparation for our trip to the Volcano this weekend. In fact we are leaving just about as soon as I finish this post and we get a few more videos packaged for mailing. We don't have much of a plan (which is hard for me) other than to drive to the volcano and see everything we can. We're camping out (cause its cheaper) and then driving back around the opposite side of the island. It should be awesome!