Day 32 and 33 - July 28th and 29th

That night there were only three divers on Sea Paradise so I was able to, for what would be my last night dive, and I got to take video. Diving at the south site is so different than diving at the north site, mainly because there is a lot of surge down south because you are closer to shore. It was cool and we saw two Mantas: Salem Ray and Capt. Kirk. I also got some good video, thanks to Martina helping hold me down as I twisted and turned to follow the rays in the surge.
Saturday was fairly uneventful, my only job today was to finish my project, which I did (and if I do say so myself, its pretty cool.) I spent the whole morning editing and ended up with a 17 minute project. Then this afternoon Julia and I watched Footloose (very entertaining) until Martina was finished with her work so I could get back on the computer and make a few corrections as well as make a short 4 minute teaser project.
So now (unless I go to the Sheraton tomorrow) I am officially down with my internship program. Time really flew by while I was over here, its hard to believe I go home on Monday.