Day 21 - July 17th

I'm excited for Wednesday, we're going on another two tank and it will be my nitrox dive, and I get to take the videocamera underwater!
Also we planned an awesome trip for Thursday and Friday, Richard, Jack (new guy) and myself are flying over to Oahu early Thursday and going to go to the Pearl Harbor museum and on Friday we are doing something so absolutely amazing (Jim did it the other day and he was impressed and according to Martina its hard to impress him). However I cannot divulge the details of what we will be doing until after Friday because I was told by my mother that if I am going to do anything dangerous I shouldn't tell her about it until after its done and I'm safe. :o)
Also, for all those that could access the first Manta Video, here is another one. This was from last Thursday when there were 17 Mantas. While its nowhere near experiencing it for real, you can see how amazing it is when there are alot of them swimming around! Enjoy!¤t=bestmantassofar.flv
(remember: The site requires Flash 8 or newer to play the video properly. Go to to get it!