Day 27 - July 23rd
Wow, it's hard to believe that I've been here 27 days already. I leave in just one week which is also hard to believe.
Sunday was a great day. We were able to go shore diving in the morning, we went to a cove off mile marker 4 on Ali'i drive and had an really nice dive. The visibility was great and there was a lot of life at the site. Right off the bat we ran into an octopus haning out by a small coral head, but he quickly ducked down into the coral and out of site. We also saw a turtle swim lazily by.

That evening I started work on my final project, a compilation DVD of my pictures and video, as well as some of Martina and Jim's video of things I didn't get a chance to shoot (or didn't get the great shots like they have!).
I may be hard to believe I've been here for a month already, but looking back over my picture files, which have over 1,700 pictures, I can believe it!