Day 16 - July 12th

This morning I went out on Dolphin Ohana again. Martina and I went out and I got to help her film (above water) at the beginning of the trip. It was nice to get a videocamera in my hands again. I hope soon that I will get one under the water.
The dolphins were very active, and several were jumping alot and spinning around like they do. There were even some jumping really, really close to the boat.
We caught them up north again, and I got some pictures then we spent a long time with them in the bay. We even got to see a tiny little baby dolphin swimming with its mom, it was very cute. (and Martina was ecstatic because she got some good shots of it on the video).
Its cool to go out with Martina because she talks with you about what she tries to do while filming and her strategy for getting the shots in the proper order (planning if you will) so that she minimizes the editing she will have to do later.
That night I went with Richard for the Manta talk, I'm getting better at it each time.
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